Sometimes stress shows up as a buzzing, moving feeling; other times we get so overwhelmed we feel stuck, unable to do anything. These are just two ways our nervous system can respond to stress (flight and freeze states)...
Yoga Therapy for Burnout Part 3: Yoga Therapy Treatment & Prevention
Utilizing the perspectives of yoga and Ayurveda, various tools can be used to address burnout and compassion fatigue. These tools can address not only the symptoms, but also some of the underlying causes. The tools are not one-size-fits-all but rather can be modified or used in various combinations depending on how burnout and compassion fatigue are manifesting in the individual.
Yoga Therapy for Burnout Part 2: Various Perspectives on Burnout
American culture, with puritanical roots focused on austere values of hard work, as well as America’s focus on individualism and capitalism, often values burnout and does little to prevent it or treat it. “Pushing through”, long hours, doing it all yourself, are all valued in the American work ethic.
Yoga Therapy for Burnout: Part 1
Self-Care: Trend or Revolution?
"Caring for myself is not self-indulgence, it is self-preservation, and that is an act of political warfare."
-Audre Lorde, self described "black lesbian feminist mother warrior poet"
Self-care is a very trendy buzzword these days. It evokes images of manicures, bubble baths with a glass of wine, a massage, and shopping sprees.