Lessons from The Snow Moon and Self-Compassion
The world feels tumultuous and chaotic right now. January might have felt especially dark- seasonally, emotionally, politically, environmentally. February might feel similarly.
I am inspired by the three elements of self-compassion as outlined by Dr. Kristin Neff and Christopher Germer, as a guideline for how to navigate this time:
Acknowledge that this is a moment of suffering: Use mindfulness to notice what is happening and what you feel- emotionally, energetically, physically, spiritually. Don’t try to push it away, bury your head in the sand, or use toxic positivity. However, it is also equally important to not get overwhelmed by it. For example, set limits, maybe on social media or news exposure, how much venting you do with colleagues or friends, or how many activities you can take on right now (be them related to the current state of the world or not).
Recognize you are not alone: Kristin and Christopher use the term “common humanity”. You are not the only one feeling this way. This is a time for reaching out to community, creating community, giving and receiving community care. What do you need in this time and how can you ask for it? What gifts/skills do you have that you can share?
Be kind to yourself: Recognize that you can’t do it all. Recognize your resilience and what you have done. Savor the small wins and joys.
These steps also encourage us to reflect on where we are at this moment in our lives. I know for me, this time is looking very different than when I was 21 and attending every protest and action. Being pregnant (and dealing with a long-lingering cold) is really causing me to turn inward, soften, and slow down. The winter also calls me to do the same. We may be impatient for her to be over, but as today’s full moon reminds us (aptly named the “Snow Moon”), it is still a time of hibernation and inner reflection. Full moons can bring illumination and clarity, and for me this is to rest and do less. With these things in mind, I’ve decided not to do a Rewilding Workshop this winter, but hope to bring them back when the time feels right. If you’re in Metro-Detroit today with the blessing (threat?) of impending snow, what lessons can the snow teach you? Maybe it’s slowing down on a longer commute home, noticing the beauty and quiet of the blanket of snow, or embracing hygge, coziness, with a warming meal or evening tea or cocoa.
What can you do, immediately after reading this, to feel just a little bit more cozy and nurtured?