(Below you will find real words from my brain, not from AI)
If you’ve read my previous blogs, newsletters, or been to my outdoor classes, I hope you’ve noticed a theme running throughout- our interconnection/our interbeing with the Living Earth and the more than human world. I write and teach about cycles of the seasons, of the moon, ways we can use yoga to really embody the Living Earth and not only connect to place, but remember we ARE this place, this land- we ARE Nature.
The idea of using our bodies to remember our interbeing and using nature to help us embody is ECOSOMATICS. I say “remember” because for 99% of human history, we were in tune with the rhythms of nature, recognizing our interdependence and interbeing with Nature. “We all come from people who at one time engaged in communal, earth-honoring, body-based practices that supported harmony and balance between people and places” (Way of Belonging). Now, our modern American culture of capitalism and white supremacy thrives on our disconnection, our separation. Ecosomatics can provide a different way of being- a way to reconnect and heal.
“At the heart of ecosomatics is sensory embodiment tied to ecology, a timely idea given the stress on the planet. Ecosomatics encourages us to ground into our body along with the body of earth. It encourages us to heighten our senses and improve our innate natural intelligence. It asks us to place awareness on the ecology of our body and the flesh of earth. As we weather dramatic environmental changes and investigate what sustains us, we are urged to show up in our body more responsively. What is being called for is deep ecosomatic listening that puts us in touch with all of nature.” - Cheryl Pallant
How do we listen? We can use the wisdom of our bodies, of our ancestors, the more than human world, and of Yoga & Ayurveda (traditional Indian medicine). Check out the recent Instagram Reel I made all about these ideas.
If this resonates or is intriguing, know that I am planning a workshop on Yoga & Ecosomatics later this summer/fall. Click HERE to sign up for the waitlist and be the first to get all the details and an early-bird discount! I have also opened my books for new YOGA THERAPY clients and using ecosomatics is something we can explore in yoga therapy. Learn more HERE.
Little by little I’m also weaving in what I’ve learning/remembering into my free weekly classes at Unwind Wednesdays at Seasons Market. I hope you can join me one week at the beautiful El Moore Gardens next to Seasons Market for yoga yes, but also attention to our interconnections, both human and more than human.
I invite you to join me at the Barefoot & Free Yoga Festival at Proud Lake Recreation Area! My workshop on Yoga & Ayurveda for Burnout will be Saturday, August 3rd from 12:30-2pm! The festival is an amazing way to realize our interbeing, both with the living Earth and other humans who share a joy for yoga and other holistic healing practices.