Hello friends,
We've entered the golden hour of summer, that fleeting but magical time when summer is coming to a close but it's not quite fall. The days are still warm, but getting a little shorter, gardens are abundant with veggies, and there's a bit of change in the air.
This is also the traditional transition of "back to school" but like last year, we know there is nothing traditional about it this year. There are many big transitions we are dealing with as a society right now- how do we respond to an ongoing pandemic? To climate change and stronger storms, more flooding, more wildfires? Everything is shifting so how do we stay grounded while also being flexible and knowing our limits?
I invite you to relish this golden hour of summer. This week take some time to connect with nature. This could be a walk in the woods, doing yoga or meditation outside in your yard or a park, gardening, or just putting your bare feet into the grass for a few minutes.
Connecting with nature can be very grounding as it strengthens our relationship with the earth element and helps us stay centered during times of transition. In addition to this meditation to help you connect and ground with nature, I also have this 7 minute outdoor yoga practice. It is all about connecting with the earth while finding flexibility (it includes lots of hip opening!)- important during times of transition! I encourage you to give them a try!
What are your favorite ways to connect with nature?
What about favorite ways to stay grounded during times of transition?
Please share in the comments!