Eager for Spring...Yet the Importance of Patience

Eager for Spring...Yet the Importance of Rest

Here in Michigan we are always eager for spring. You see it in the people wearing shorts and sandals as soon as it hits 50 (not me!) or the uptick of cyclists on the street (I was always riding!) but sometimes we're so eager that we overdo it, we don't give time for the growth and change that is so important to spring, to happen. For example, with the first warm day a few weeks ago, I went on a jog with my dog (I never jog!), I went on a bike ride, I did some yard work, I did yoga outside....and the next day I was exhausted! It was too much all at once. I think we can see that right now with the coronavirus pandemic too. More and more people are getting vaccinated and we're eager for a return to "normal" (what even is that anymore though?). Pretending everything is "normal" again when it really isn't (hello, highly contagious variants) has led to a rise in cases, especially here in Michigan. 

So instead let us welcome spring gently while still taking time for rest and safety (such as mask wearing and social distancing) and not doing every possible outdoor activity all in one day! I come back to yoga concepts I've mentioned before, but are so important-abhyasa and vairagya. Abhyasa is persevering practice, dedication, discipline, and vairagya is non-attachment or the literal translation is quietness. We need them both right now. Abhyasa without vairagya and we overdo it, we burn out. Vairagya with abhyasa and we don't have the dedication to keep up our practices. So lets water the emerging tulips and when they are ready they will dazzle us with their blooms.



(I know many of you are eager for outdoor yoga to start again-and it will, but have patience to let it emerge just like the tulips! Stay tuned for more info in May)