Yoga Therapy Initial Assessment

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Yoga Therapy Initial Assessment


This is a 90 minute individual yoga therapy assessment session. If you would like, feel free to schedule a 15 minute free consultation session first, by filling out the form on this page.

In yoga therapy, the yoga therapist works one-on-one with an individual to explore specific health, mental health or spiritual concerns, examining the concerns from a yogic perspective and empowering the individual to make changes using the teachings and practices of yoga.

Sessions can be in-person (within 20 miles of central Detroit) or online via Zoom. You will select your preference during checkout. After purchase, Caitlin will follow up with you on scheduling the assessment and will also send you an Intake Form to fill out. Please fill this out at least 1 day before the appointment.

For additional follow-up sessions you can purchase a package or an individual session.

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