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Yoga of Recovery

Do you or someone you know experience an unhelpful relationship with alcohol, work, nicotine, relationships, caffeine, shopping, eating, other drugs, sex, or social media?

Would you like to explore yogic practices, tools, and techniques to help you address addictive and self-destructive tendencies?

Join me for a 8 week series live on Zoom to explore how yoga can support you in exploration of your samskaras (habits or patterns).

Sundays, 10-11am, April 3rd- May 22nd
Live on Zoom
The whole series is just $40 (that's $5 per class!)
Full and partial scholarships available (see registration page for details)
Classes will include a blend of meditation, movement, breathwork, discussion, and reflection

Registration is now closed. Please contact me if you are interested in the future!


Is this only for drug and alcohol addiction?

No. Anyone struggling with addictive behaviors of any kind (or affected by someone else's behavior) is welcome to attend. This could be related to a substance, social media, eating, relationships, shopping, exercise, sex, technology, work, how you interact with a loved one’s addictive behavior, etc.

Do I need to be sober?

If you are struggling with a substance addiction, I ask that you have at least 30 days of sobriety. If you are struggling with a behavioral addiction, I ask that you have enough stability to engage in a 8-week series. This series is not a substitute for medical or mental health care, rather it can be a profound complement to other healing modalities.

Can I just purchase one class or drop in?

Each week builds on the other and helps create new samskaras of regular yoga practice. So for this reason Yoga of Recovery is only sold as a whole series. I understand life happens and you may not be able to attend every week. Recap emails will be sent with reflection questions and recordings of practices (no discussions will be recorded).

I’ve never done yoga before/I’m not flexible/Yoga intimidates me

No prior yoga experience is necessary. The classes will be trauma-informed and beginner-friendly with variations given.

Photo by William Farlow on Unsplash